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The best part is, we've made it easy to advertise with us, so it's less hassle than every to advertise in the communities where your patrons live and work.


Local Newsletter Subscribers

If you're a business local to Hixson, Soddy Daisy, Middle Valley, or Chattanooga, this is an opportunity to have your brand and business front and center with verified real people in your community. (Which is something Facebook and Instagram can't promise)


Followers across all Facebook & Instagram Pages

Social Media shoutouts for businesses in our local community provides digital access to potential new or returning customers by building brand awareness as a partner with a trusted community organization like Middle Valley Youth Association.

Early access

& discounts to be vendors at our community events, tournaments, festivals, and fundraising events.

We've got big plans in the pipeline and we'd like your organization to be part of it. With golf, baseball, and lacrosse tournaments in the works for the spring, our future and the future of Middle Valley Park are bright.

Family Friendly

businesses are in need of a comeback, and we'd love to share the story of your business and how you cater to young adults with families.

With fewer cost-effective, family-friendly options than ever, new opportunities are emerging to serve families from every background. Our newsletters, social media, and in-person events provide direct access to real people in our real community.

Soccer Players

How to Advertise with MVYA

Physical Banners

Physical Banners lining fences and fields are a traditional way both business partners and members of the community can support MVYA.


Fund a Project

Donate directly to a project of your choice, and once it's fully funded, we'll do the work to get it done.


Sponsor an event

Charity golf tournaments, tournaments, and community events throughout the year require a lot time and resources to effectively maintain, by supporthing these things, you're enabling a more connected and engaging community.

Digital Ads

MVYA has access to a large audience in the greater Chattanooga area. That audience is utilized to inform real consumers about your business and the products and services it provides.


Choose one of our multi-channel packages to maximize your local exposure while also maximizing your community support.

Show up

Meet with members of the park's board of directors to discuss the future of our park, our shared community efforts, and the direction of Middle Valley Youth Association's future.



Reach Local Families

Digital sponsors gain access to our local social media following, email newsletters, and more.

Vinyl Banners In The Park

Join 4000+ community members by signing up for our newsletter.

Thanks for subscribing!

Middle Valley Youth Association
1860 Crabtree Rd

Hixson, TN 37343


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 283

Hixson, TN 37343

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